Thoughts, observations, and updates on my empty nest, my much fuller nest of grandkids, and life in general.

Disgusting, isn’t it?
Disgusting, isn’t it? Many people find it hard to relax. They’re too busy keeping themselves busy. They’re probably afraid that if they take the time to relax they’ll have a hard time getting back to what was keeping them busy in the first place. Yoga is one of my favorite ways to relax. I […]

Out Of Control?
I was watering flowers in my yard when my neighbor stopped by. “Nice flowers,” she said, sadly. “Everything okay?” I asked. “You know, I wanted to have grandkids by the time I turned 45,” she sighed. “But that didn’t happen. “I’m confused,” I said, “Didn’t you show me pictures last week of you and your […]

Too Much or Not Enough?
The other day my neighbor complained to me that her mother called her at work and asked her to drop off some Band Aids on her way home. “Was she bleeding?” I asked. Shaking her head my neighbor said, “Just her way of getting me to stop by to see her. She’s stuck at home […]

All Together Now!
Last summer our sons and their families (4 adults and 13 kids) vacationed together on the other side of the world. Our older son lives on the other side of the world so for him this meant a taxi ride of only a few hours to get to the resort. For our younger son, who […]